Monday, April 12, 2010

March of the Sycophant

It's that time again. Smoke stacks billow short breaths; it's all the same, of suffocation [parts per million]. The future-mortified mortality-hiding out in the basement, an imperial regime. Million-fan march: aliyah, your mecca, your promised land, Sycophant--solipsistic craving and immemorial Maya-fix. "The feeling is global. Thank you." A space needle in every city, rising ever higher to the glory of the idolater, the moneylender. Hand out, mouth open: Your house is on fire, Vampire. Acid rain fuels the flame. Loss prevention in lieu of the gift of giving. In-dis-trust-rial revolution: Left face, march! Man-infested destiny. Right face, march! Rise of the SS, national crest, watermark. Forward, march! [Slice of] bread with a barcode. "Slave labor is up--prices are down." Buy low; sell high, 'cause everyone's doing it. Negative externalities: If a tree fall in the forest, 57, ooo gallons of H2O feed the hungry flood, per capita. 0.08, the gold standard [ppm]. Save lives: Don't breathe or drive. Word: "sustainability." Violent, Careless Gods Devour 'Ancient Sunlight,' 'Current Sunlight' Harmful at High Exposures. Next-Wave Energy Crisis. Cancer is light literally leaving the body. A naturally cohesive state in distress. A modern scab for the disease of technology. Cells under Darth-Vadar attack. "The [static] source is polluted. Communication [static] down." Death and decay is only natural. Every major war, small battle, or police action is a slink in the slinky of time. The "butterfly effect" at full rhyme. Downstream, estuary hiccups a drop in the ocean, and dead-zones extend thousands of miles. "Man, it's fuckin' hot out here. And it's already November. I remember freezing my balls off mid-October." [robot voice] "Internal thermostat set to self-destruct." "You said it, brother. We're plained fucked." Pharmaceutical Companies NOW Offer Relatively Inexpensive Cure for Depression, Anxiety, PTSD. "Pill-poppers unite! Free yourselves from the inconvenience of remembering. Results and side effects may vary." XX: If the world were a turtle, would its heart go on beating even after its head was severed? XY: For a day. In light years, that ain't much. A fraction of a fragment of the time we need to revive each other. XX: Do turtles mate for life? XY: What's that got to do with anything? XX: Everything. It's got everything to do with anything.

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